How to Watch Barbie in the Barbie: Princess Charm School (2011) Barbie Film For Free No Download, No Surveys and 100% Free? 1- Click the play button (icon) in the middle of the video player 2- Wait for 5-10 min till the stream load Click on the arrow button at the far bottom-right corner of the video player (stream) to play Barbie: Princess Charm School full film at full-screen size. Please let me know via comments if the stream is working or not. |
Labels: Animation, Barbie, Family, Fantasy
Thank you sooo much for these love your blog!!!!
Thanks a lot for this excellent quality movie!
You are welcome. Thanks for your comments.
Admin thank you sooooo much love this site <3 * <3
I love it.IT is wonderfull
awesome movie has such a suprisin twist to it love this site so much deffinately watchin more barbie tomarrow....
hi Admin i am so glade all the movies i want to watch are on ONE website!! love it so much <3
`I love this site!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!
loving it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like totes
its nice but for some reason it seems pretty slow on my computer. it stinks to watch it like that:( but overall thanks for letting me watch this for free!
same but its epic!!!!!!
its not working -______-
wow its great :)
so awesome! Great blog:)
may you please add princess diaries in free disney blogspot please and thank you for this wonderful website that you made keep up the good work
awesome love it
It will go for a few min but then it stops and goes to the end. It does that with some of your other barbie movies also. (just and FYI)
thanks for making a website like this
someone please put on some series eg: teenwolf please
great love it ,, i mean the website
I absolutely love your website but it does pause to load every few minutes
Love your website! I'm a big fan of Disney films.
Tip: If it freezes and won't load, just reload the page and skip to the bit you were at. It's a lot faster than waiting for it to load.
It was a good movie but it was sooo slow it kept on freezing! But thanks though
Good Movie
You are welcome. Thanks for your comments everyone :)
i'm 13 and I still watch this... -.- XD
I think imma keep watching movies on this thx for everything
love iit
Thanks to you can watch so many movies that i haven't watched before i love this blog. Thank you
Guys if it complaining about it stopping. U PROBABLY have bad connection. It's working PERFECTLY for me. I LOVE this site!! it's the best free movie watching site ever. You wouldn't believe how many times I wished there was a website with most of the barbie movies, without having to do surveys or such things. THANK U ANDMIN!!! P.s IS this legal? Aren't there copyright claims to prevent this? Whatever don't care! Just going to watch some free movies:)
Your blog is wonderful!
who ever made it i love it
Really! I am 11 years old and i am watching barbie movies. I just can't believe it. But THAAAAAAAANKS a lot. i wanted to see the movie from when. And now I see it. And ya the connection is great.
Thanks this is the only movie i can find :D
Thanx admin !!! I really wish there were more sites like this for other disney movies too!!!!!!! ♥♥♥ luv u!!!♥♥♥♡♡♡★★★☆☆☆
Y is so slow? Hmf ...
I totally love your blog!
It's awesome! :)
Does anyone else notice the costume change Dalancy goes through during minute 31 when they are accused of stealing the jewelry. Up close she is wearing her modified uniform and in the long angle shots she is back in the regulated one. I was watching and thought this was funny and wanted to know how many others caught it.
Sorry I meant minute 51
Its not working?:/
Oh thank you.thank you.thank you so much.. :) I've been looking for this movie for ages.. 'cause YouTube doesn't have it.. :) thanks a lot!
I like the barbie princess charm school movie the best .
but the movie is not working.
can you produce this movie in urdu pleasssssssssssssssssssssse .
It doesn't even work.
it''s tooooo slow..........and it stops in the middle of the movie every's embarrassing.............
Finally!! A website that doesn't make me take a survey about what kind of face shape I have! :P
why is it so slow ?
it stops when "bringing your training tiaras" ugh!
The stream is not working please help
Omg it takes forever it used to work if it doesnt work not my favorite place to watch movies so work uhhhhh
they removed the blog of disney movies
I cannot watched the whole movie! >:<
It stopped when the television says "Princess and Lady Royals".
And I tried to reload the whole page 6 times but it still stopped at the same time.
So can I have some help.:( I have been waiting for 2 years to just watch this! :(
Read the "Anonymous says:November 19,2013 at 7.30 PM."
I use the wrong person/thing..-_=
Wait 5-10 mibs DUH
really anonymous than go to megashare and watch barbie princess charm school you can load and watch happily with no problem
and why is this whole page fill with anonymous comments i think he talk too much
thanks! for the movie :) it was spectacular!
it only plays up to 79:43.
plzzzzzzzzz fix!!!
I love
it isnt working it says the video hasnt uploaded yet:(
The quality is bad page is also bad but luv the movie <3
This is awesome <3
its awesome I love it its the best Barbie movie ever just all of the movie was not clear..................................................................................
ther is something wrong between53:46 to the ending.
Thank you for this movie its my favorite movie of barbie and i like Blair and im founding this movie everywhere and i found this movie in this site and this work fast in my laptop thanks for uploading barbie movies thank you very much!!!!
oops my name is Angeliana not Angelinana ok
My video stream suddenly stopped at around 60 minutes I think, right after the girls get out of the vault. I tried reloading it and watching it again, but it still crashed.
It's been well over ten minutes, and my movie still isn't playing. Is your blog not working?
ITS NOT WORKING AT ALL! can someone please FIX IT!
thank you so much! I love it! The best movie in the 3rd generation of barbie movies in my opinion (:
This is not working
This was amazing! I have seen some trailers about this movie, and I have been wanting to see it for a while. I love how Blare is just like any other girl at the beginning, and how they say "There is a princess in every girl" because it's true! Thanks for porting this.
my one goes yo 20 min can you fix plz
The show keeps stopping but the show is great
it is nice but slow
Can u plz put any DISNEY movie on yr spectacular blog???
Thx alot��������������
it wont work for me it stops and makes me start the movie over again and now im crying ;-;
love it!!!!!<3
it so great
Awesome best movie ever thx admin
grr roar
I love your blog but every single movie that I watch goes up to a certain point in the video then skips to the end. I've tried going back but it doesn't work. Meaning, that I constantly have to refresh the page and load the whole movie again. Not impressed.
So is damed Evans blares aunty
the movie was great!
thank u so much i have been looking for it for forever
the movie is awesome... I have been looking for it for months or maybe years... thanks a lot...... and I hope Barbie princess charm school 2 should also come... showing prince nicolous and blair getting married
This website is best :)
Thank you for this blog I babysit and the girls love to watch the Barbie movies with me. Also didn't the blog have Barbie in a pony tail? I've been looking for it on the blog and can't find it.
brilliant quality keep posting more stuff like this
OMG I LOVE THIS BLOG!!! My daughter and I cuddle on the couch and watch all your movies!! keep them coming!
can you add some more of the newer barbie movies please
OMG!!!! you've done a brilliant job with the blogspot i love your movies thanks sooo much, i've wanted to watch barbie movies for a long time and now i can yay!!!!!!!!! :)
I love this website it is the best
You're the best, thanks :D
this was playing fine until it totally froze. and it ISN'T my computer, because it's brand new. I think it's your SITE...
Your blogs AWESOME is it illegal?anyways YAAAAAAY
no subtitle :(
It stops halfway through every time
Why don't u try another website such as you tube or get the CD or kindly ask the creator to check the problem but it's fine with most people so there may be a problem with you're internet
Wow this movie is amazing I've watched it so many times but still love it it is one of the best which includes a bit of mystery. This website is great!
Thinking about the website u could add other movies also it would be great plz could u do that
I hope my reply for Alysia Nadia helped her and found it useful
There might be a problem in you're internet
Why does it say domain is banned
Great blog, but takes long to load and it freezes..... a lot. But still like it.
great movie
The stream is not working!
When Ken walked in I was like, I can't take him seriously even if he has a different name. I finally decided to take him seriously, and he started breakdancing!!! I knew I couldn't take him seriously.
My guilty pleasure...
No matter how many times I watch it, I'll never get sick of this movie, my favourite barbie movie of all time
can you put up barbie rock'n royals
whats up with the
Anon, for some reasons. They no longer allow streaming movies from their website. I have switched to another video hosting website. Movies should work fine, if you have any issues, please report and we will fix it.
i love this movie so much i am 20 years old and still love bartbie
The stream isn't working